Pastor GJ and Claudia Hernandez
Pastor GJ Hernandez joined the military straight out of high school and served for 6 years. Pastor GJ Hernandez was stationed in Norfolk, VA. During Pastor GJ Hernandez time there, he ended up in The Potter's House Christian Church in Norfolk, VA. At The Potter's House Christian Church in Norfolk, VA, Pastor GJ Hernandez got saved and entered into all that God had in store for him and his family.
Pastor GJ Hernandez and his family were called into the ministry and were sent to pioneer a church in Miami, FL (Hialeah). They pioneered there for approximately 2 years and then got the call to take over the church in Cicero, IL.
Pastor GJ Hernandez and his family have been in Cicero ever since and count it a great privilege to serve their community.
Pastor GJ Hernandez, his wife Claudia and their children, Anthony, Mia, and Mekayla thank God for all that He has done in their lives and all He is going to do in the future.